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Diverse economies lends itself to an inherently self-correcting economics of community.

This is an umbrella term for capturing more hot-topics like the circular economy, sharing economy, and the creative economy. More definitive and action oriented platforms run as Doughnut Economics, Transition network, and even Permaculture.

What is clear is that Capitalism, as an economic system is struggling to provide a quality of life for all, and as it was originally founded to do. As a commericial enterprise we understand the need of commerce and profit to keep the wheels turning, however Diverse Economies look as this flow and understand it for what it is, a use of resources to make a living and provide meaning to people. I understand that is simplistic, maybe even overly simplistic.

At The Idle Hours Company, we hope to create products from regenerative resources, not finite quantities (such as petroleum), which we sell in order to pay for our time and energy, which we then use to live and support our partners and projects that we love (like regenerative farming or ecosystem restoration), while also providing jobs and meaningful work, so that people can go support the projects they care about with time, energy and yes, money.

That is a short introduction to my thinking on how to begin to look at building a company in post-growth, post-capitalism, and post-COVID.

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